June 10

Well, the anxiety over my contact lens fitting ended when I became completely disgusted with Civ 6, and I finally made a phone call to optometry in Gainesville. I learned that my appointments were already set for August and that I had already placed them on the paper calendar. Being able to simply look at the wall next to this desk and see, instantly, what’s coming up is a complete joy. No more fiddling with troublesome desktop calendars, the having to rearrange windows to make them fit or, worse, losing the information due to forgetting to back one up before installing a previous image.

I’ve started another tale in what Sandi calls the “never-ending story” of Junction. Hey, it’s a fantastic scheme, already in place, and prone to infinite variations. This one throws in a river that one of the inhabitants tells of. The river is in his mind, and it will be, I think, a hallucinated view of his return via the machine in the barn. I’m only up to a 1 1/2 pages but moving along.

What I need in my writing is some dynamism, some action, more surprises, and a lot less explaining how the town of Junction functions. The last part is difficult because I want the stories to be understood as standalones and, at the same time to avoid the same old “weird guy in the barn, Bill (or Sam or whoever) flipping his hamburgers, and dismayed newcomers being clued in while sipping coffee in a restaurant booth. I have to focus on these ideas.

An area that needs changing is my non-productive evening procedure with my aperitif from eight or nine o’clock on. I used to have this time, occasionally, to charge into a story or set up Audacity for some recording. Now it has become relaxation watching a usually inferior movie.

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